Stress Pandemic: An Introduction

We are under the greatest psychological assault in our history, as few would argue that we live in a world overrun by stress. Our bodies and minds are no longer able to tolerate this assault and as a result people are growing weak and becoming sick. It is urgent that something has to change, and a recipe for change is precisely what my forthcoming book, Stress Pandemic, offers.

Stress Pandemic is an expression I term coined to describe the unrelenting stress that our global society is experiencing today, and this book provides a complete lifestyle solution, based on 9 natural steps.

It is important to realize, and we must accept, that stress is a part of life. Modern life is full of frustrations, deadlines, demands and hassles. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become an accepted way of life. Stress in moderation isn’t always bad. It can motivate and help you perform under pressure to do your best.

Yet when you’re constantly running in emergency “fight or flight” mode, both your mind and body pay the price. I.e. When stress is chronic and remains unchecked, stress can impair us mentally, emotionally and phyiscally. If your entire body is subjected to stress for a prolonged period, the body’s natural self-healing abilities are not able to cope, and go into a state of shock. Such long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems as chronic unchecked stress disrupts nearly every system in your body – it can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Overwhelming psychological stresses can cause both temporary and long-lasting symptoms of a serious mental and physical illnesses.

If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, it’s time to take a moment, stop and evaluate, and bring your exhausted nervous system back into balance. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and by doing so, take steps to reduce its harmful effects in the long-term.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every four people develops one or more mental disorders at some stage in life.  Today, 450 million people globally suffer from mental disorders in both developed and developing countries.  It is estimated by 2020, depression will be the greatest burden of global ill-health, and severe depression will be the second largest cause of death and disability.1 More often than not, stress is a leading factor of much of these frightening facts, as stress is a leading, adverse lifestyle factor that can lead to a severe deterioration in our way of life, and thus health. For this reason and more, I wish to share how my suggested way of life offers a way for people to fight back and achieve optimal health and well-being.
Stress Pandemic: The Lifestyle Solution contains the practical and powerful keys to mastering stress and living fully that were built through my own personal experience in curing myself naturally of severe and manic depression, severe anxiety and ultimately (as this was the root of it all) – severe stress.
I hope through this simple, healthy way of life I can help prevent stress from destroying people’s lives. By implementing my 9 easy lifestyle steps, you can help free yourself from daily stress and work toward achieving a happier and healthier state of mind and life!
Stay tuned for more on the Nine Natural Steps outlined in Stress Pandemic.


To juice or not to juice


Lifestyle Diseases